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  1. Ilie

    Trade Navigator 4.0

    Ahoj, může mi někdo prosím poradit jak v Trade Navigator Platinum v4.0 aktivovat možnost používat automatické obchodování strategií? Až do posledního update vše fungovalo.. po posledním update přestalo.. software mi nyní nedovolí zapnout automatické strategie.. Psal jsem přímo do Genesis, ale dostat z nich užitečnou odpověď není věc jednoho mailu, bohužel.. Napsali mi, že poslední update opravil bug, který dříve umožňoval používat automatické obchodování i těm, kteří tuto možnost neměli aktivovanou. Ale jak to aktivuju mi samozřejmě nenapsali.. Po mém posledním mailu co jsem jim poslal mi to už možná ani nenapíšou.. jelikož jsem od nich nedostal tak vysoce užitečnou odpověď poprvé, trošku jsem se do nich obul.. Máte také špatné zkušenosti se supportem od Genesis?? Myslím, že za tu cenu co software stojí by se mohli trošku snažit.. Dokumentace k produktu je naprosto nedostatečná a odfláknutá.. a navíc pěkně stará... týká se snad verze 3.00 anebo ještě nižší... Díky za jakoukoli odpověd.. a pomoc.. Ilie
  2. Ilie

    Trade Navigator a PFG

    Ahoj, nevěděl by někdo odpovědi na následující otázky? Jsou v angličtině, nechce se mi to přepisovat.. Díky za každou odpověď, postřeh.. Ilie I have some questions about real-trading in Genesis Trade Navigator. I have Platinum version 3.05 connected to PFG broker. I do real-auto-trading over 3 months. I have often problem with orders generated by my auto-strategies. 1) My first auto-strategy I'm trading in 4 positions on ER2 with 5 minutes time frame. I have this strategy programmed without pyramiding option, but I do this by Trade Console - 'Quantity for next entry' set to 4. My strategy use Profit Target and Stop loss too. I have often problem with the quantity of Stop or Profit orders which are generated by TN. Often the STOP order for Stop loss is generated well in the quantity of 4 (Sell 4 STOP, Buy 4 STOP) but the PROFIT order for Profit target is often generated only in a single quantity (Sell 1 LIMIT, Buy 1 LIMIT). Q1: Can you tell me, please, where is the problem? Do I need to reprogram my strategy using pyramiding? Q2: And what is the difference between pyramiding and Quantity for next entry in Trade Console? Q3: When I use the pyramiding option do I need to set apropriate Quantity for next entry? 2) My second strategy uses 60 minutes frame and also moving averages crossing, and like as in the first strategy I'm also only reversing my position - I'm still in trade. Sometimes my connection with PFG is broken and becouse of it, I would like to have more time to turn on the connection and catch the last cross of moving averages. So I would like to turn my position best 1 bar after the crossing, but if it is necessary also the 2nd bar after the crossing. So I used rules IF (Crosses Below(MovingAverage(MA1), MovingAverage(MA2)) OR Crosses Below(MovingAverage(MA1), MovingAverage(MA2).1)) THEN Buy Next Bar At MARKET This works fine for the standard situation - so I have no problem with reversing position on the first bar after the crossing. But when my connection with PFG is broken and I will turn on the account one bar after the crossing (so I would like to reverse my position on the second bar) on the second bar my position is always only closed and not reversed. Strategy generates in this situation only SELL 1 or BUY 1 order instead of SELL 2 or BUY 2. I have the position reversing in the strategy settings turned on. Can you help me, please? I don't understand where is the problem. Q4: Do I also need to reprogram this using pyramiding? Or is there another solution? 3) My another question is: Q5: Could there be some collisions when I'm trading two strategies on the same symbol? I'm trading JY with real account and also with simulated account. And the orders generated for real trading are very often REJECTED and than generated again, but bad. For example: one bar I have open order for Stop loss: Sell 2 STOP.. next bar the order should be cancelled and send again, am I right? (rule IF position > 0 Then SELL Next Bar STOP).. but the new order is very often rejected and than new open order is SELL 4... so the quantity of the orders is count up. I'm trading two similar strategies on two different symbols. On Wheat this situation never occures. But on Japanees Yen very often.. almost every second bar. I dont't know where is the problem.. but.. I have no other strategy (real or simulated) turned on Wheat, but on JY I have another strategy turned-on on simulated account. Q6: Is it possible that this can cause the problem?? There can also be some inconsistency in the Trade Console. In POSITIONS there are for example REAL ACCOUNT JY Total = SHORT 1 MANUAL = LONG 1 STRATEGY = SHORT 2 But I'm not in manual position.. I would like to reset it.. so it will be right.. Could this cause some problems? Can I somehow modify this records to be correct? Sometimes it can be fixet by Verify positions.. and choosing the right quantity for strategy... but I have in my trade console records that can't be fixed this way. Q7: How can I reset the positions in Trade Console or fix it to be correct (manual and strategy)? Q8: Are some of these problems fixed in new v4.0 version of Trade Navigator?
  3. Ilie

    Trade Navigator a PFG

    Ahoj, neměl by někdo nějaké odpovědi či postřehy týkající se řádků níže? Je to anglicky, nechce si mi to přepisovat do češtiny.. Díky za každou odpověď. Ilie I have some questions about real-trading in Genesis Trade Navigator. I have Platinum version 3.05 connected to PFG broker. I do real-auto-trading over 3 months. I have often problem with orders generated by my auto-strategies. 1) My first auto-strategy I'm trading in 4 positions on ER2 with 5 minutes time frame. I have this strategy programmed without pyramiding option, but I do this by Trade Console - 'Quantity for next entry' set to 4. My strategy use Profit Target and Stop loss too. I have often problem with the quantity of Stop or Profit orders which are generated by TN. Often the STOP order for Stop loss is generated well in the quantity of 4 (Sell 4 STOP, Buy 4 STOP) but the PROFIT order for Profit target is often generated only in a single quantity (Sell 1 LIMIT, Buy 1 LIMIT). Q1: Can you tell me, please, where is the problem? Do I need to reprogram my strategy using pyramiding? Q2: And what is the difference between pyramiding and Quantity for next entry in Trade Console? Q3: When I use the pyramiding option do I need to set apropriate Quantity for next entry? 2) My second strategy uses 60 minutes frame and also moving averages crossing, and like as in the first strategy I'm also only reversing my position - I'm still in trade. Sometimes my connection with PFG is broken and becouse of it, I would like to have more time to turn on the connection and catch the last cross of moving averages. So I would like to turn my position best 1 bar after the crossing, but if it is necessary also the 2nd bar after the crossing. So I used rules IF (Crosses Below(MovingAverage(MA1), MovingAverage(MA2)) OR Crosses Below(MovingAverage(MA1), MovingAverage(MA2).1)) THEN Buy Next Bar At MARKET This works fine for the standard situation - so I have no problem with reversing position on the first bar after the crossing. But when my connection with PFG is broken and I will turn on the account one bar after the crossing (so I would like to reverse my position on the second bar) on the second bar my position is always only closed and not reversed. Strategy generates in this situation only SELL 1 or BUY 1 order instead of SELL 2 or BUY 2. I have the position reversing in the strategy settings turned on. Can you help me, please? I don't understand where is the problem. Q4: Do I also need to reprogram this using pyramiding? Or is there another solution? 3) My another question is: Q5: Could there be some collisions when I'm trading two strategies on the same symbol? I'm trading JY with real account and also with simulated account. And the orders generated for real trading are very often REJECTED and than generated again, but bad. For example: one bar I have open order for Stop loss: Sell 2 STOP.. next bar the order should be cancelled and send again, am I right? (rule IF position > 0 Then SELL Next Bar STOP).. but the new order is very often rejected and than new open order is SELL 4... so the quantity of the orders is count up. I'm trading two similar strategies on two different symbols. On Wheat this situation never occures. But on Japanees Yen very often.. almost every second bar. I dont't know where is the problem.. but.. I have no other strategy (real or simulated) turned on Wheat, but on JY I have another strategy turned-on on simulated account. Q6: Is it possible that this can cause the problem?? There can also be some inconsistency in the Trade Console. In POSITIONS there are for example REAL ACCOUNT JY Total = SHORT 1 MANUAL = LONG 1 STRATEGY = SHORT 2 But I'm not in manual position.. I would like to reset it.. so it will be right.. Could this cause some problems? Can I somehow modify this records to be correct? Sometimes it can be fixet by Verify positions.. and choosing the right quantity for strategy... but I have in my trade console records that can't be fixed this way. Q7: How can I reset the positions in Trade Console or fix it to be correct (manual and strategy)? Q8: Are some of these problems fixed in new v4.0 version of Trade Navigator?
  4. Ilie

    Trade Navigator a PFG

    Ahoj, díky za postřehy, je to opravdu tak - potvrzeno i z Genesisu. Mám ještě jeden dotaz na TN a PFG. Týká se to MARKET ON CLOSE příkazů.. PFG tyto příkazy nepřijímá - háže to hlášky o neplatném typu příkazu u PFG. V Trade Console na záložce Auto Trading je položka On Close Time.. tím to má jít obejít.. to je informace z Genesisu.. v zadaný čas by měl software odeslat místo příkazu MARKET ON CLOSE příkaz MARKET.. jen mě nenapadá jak to teda propojit s AOS.. jaké použít pravidlo?? Jediné co se nabízí je např. IF Time = End Session Time [- nějaké drobné] THEN SELL NEXT BAR at MARKET. Tohle ale vůvec zmiňovaná položka On Close Time z Trade Console neovlivňuje... Má někdo nějaký nápad či zkušenost? Díky moc.
  5. Ilie

    Trade Navigator a PFG

    Ahoj, chtěl bych se zeptat, zda někdo má zkušenosti a dokázal by vysvětlit, jak funguje zasílání příkazů z automatických obchodních systémů vytvořených v TN do PFG. A také proč některé příkazy skončí jako Working a některé jako Parked. Můj problém je takový, že má automatická obchodní strategie má po vstupu do pozice vygenerovat příkazy na stop loss a také profit target. Oba tyto příkazy také správně vygeneruje, ale do PFG zašle pouze jeden z nich.. Order Status je nejprve Sent a pak Working.. to je správně, je u PFG. Ale opačný příkaz zůstane ve stavu Parked a do PFG se nedostane. Má s tímto prosím někdo zkušenosti a dokázal by poradit či vysvětlit v čem je problém? Nebo to takhle funguje správně? Díky moc za radu.
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