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ja byl jenom zmatenej z ty Alovy definice :) jinak pojem gap chapu si myslim. teda ten jeden typ, ktery sme si tu rozebirali. jesli mas nake dalsi, myslim, ze nebudu jediny, komu tvuj prispevek pomuze.

a taky, pokud by to slo, bych uvital naky pokec k tomu poslednimu screenu, kde mas hned na zacatku nalevo 2x short vstup - na zaklade coho jsi je uskutecnil a proc prave tam. to same pro PT, ktery, pokud dobre chapu, je reprezentovan prazdnou sipkou (a vstup plnou).

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a-friend: nemam screen, tak som spravil iba z toho co dal detroit. prvy vstup bol na bare 1, kde som siel stopom pod predchadzajuce doji, lebo som cakal dalsi leg bearu ktory bol. hned potom som spanikaril a vystupil na dalsom bare, ked to vyzeralo, ze bude TR. dal som limit sell jeden tick nad B1 (micro DT) a hned B2 siel presne na miesto kde som mal limit, ale ostal nevyplneny. vstupil som teda market trochu nizsie, ale stale lepsie ako prvy vstup. vystupil som presne na spodku B3 (vyplneny limit), co bol na tick presny MM, rad by som sa pochvalil, ze som to mal presne vyratane, ale mal som tam PT a to, ze slo o MM som zistil, az ked som sa na to pozrel spatne


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studuji ho, zatim materialy, co jsou zdarma na netu. toho je taky celkem dost :)

jinak se snazim pobrat zaklady a zacit s par zakladnimi principy. pokud se mi to bude libit a bude to fungovat, snad koupim i knizky. ale spis se nepokousim pobrat toho naraz prilis mnoho, abych se v tom neztratil.

takze pokud se ti to chce ve strucnosti rozebrat, budu rad, pokud ne, nic se nedeje, dovim se to snad jednou z knizek :)

ono ja vetsinu jeho vstupu (i tech, ktere vidim na jinych screench vas tady na foru) chapu, bych rek, akorat tyto tve dva posledni mi nejak nedavaju smysl, proto se ptam primo na ne.

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jo promin ty vstupy:
tak prvni bull channel bear flag bear channel bull flag. Predchazejici den bull channel a jak detroit ukazal na screenshot wedge, ktery casto znaci konec channel.
Ten prvni obchod byl low % probability ale dobry kontext ( well overbough market) = low risk, ale vice mene double top+trading range, exit je (prazdna arrow), bottom of TR (nemohu se pochvalit s exit, ale nemel jsem v umyslu ukoncit all positions, ale prehmatl jsem se v auto exitu :)

Druhy obchod byl mnohem zretelnejsi na es, ale byl to 2top below EMA a ty 2 bear bars znacili minimalne otestovani its low. Nicmene bears meli obrovskou sanci k bo a test lower. Vetsinou zavru na test low a pote pokud mame BO a follow through tak otevru znovu, ale v tomto pripade mi ty 3 bull bars a prvni 2 big bull bars pripadali jako 2 sided a sance, ze budeme mit more 2 sided v den FOMC byla velka, takze opatrnost na failed BO byla velka.
Jeste k tomu druheme obchodu hezky scalp byl na bar 10 ktera otestovalo gap u EMA, ale to jsem promeskal.

Pokud vidite neco co ja ne, rad si poslechnu vase nazory.

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dik za popis. me nejvic zarazila ta mista vstupu - ani jedno nebylo "1 tick below the low". v tom prvnim pripade chapu doji jako signal bar a tedy vstup 1 tick pod jejim low. jeste mi ted napada, ze sis pockal, az ta bear bar na ktere mas vstup, presla 1 tick pod low te doji a pak jsi az umistil vstupni prikaz tak, aby tvuj max SL byl nad high te doji. je to tak?

ovsem u toho druheho vstupu nevidim ani doji ani L1(2) bear bar (cti "zadnej signal bar"), pod kterym by bylo mozne vstoupit (resp. ne pod nim, ale podobne, jako v tom prvnim pripade, s prihlednutim na max akceptovatelny SL).

tyto moje uvahy vychazi z toho, ze pokud jedu 5 min graf, usecky jsou tak dlouhe (obchoduji NQ, ale plati to myslim o vsech e-mini), ze si zkratka nemohu dovolit polozit SL na opacny konec vstupni usecky. SL by pak byl mnohdy i 7-10 bodu, coz je neunosne.

napadaji mi 2 moznosti, jak z toho ven:

1) jak jsem popsal vyse - pockat si na zasazeni 1 tick pod low/nad high vstupni usecky a az pak umistit vstupni prikaz nejvic 4-5b od high/low vstupni usecky.

2) obchodovat dostatecne kratke useceky. treba volume 1500 nebo 2000 maji v soucasnosti range kolem 3-5 bodu.
tato druha moznost se ale bije s alovym doporucenim a teorii, ze neni mozne zpracovat informace rychleji, nez by odpovidalo 5 min grafu. na druhe strane, koukam na to tak, ze on ma tech informaci na spracovani ponekud vic :D ja zatim koukam jenom na 2-legged pullback a pak hledam L2/H2 close to EMA, na to snad 5 minut nepotrebuji..

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moc dobre postrehy :)
spravne to melo byt 2 sided trading limit short 4095.7, ale :) ja jsem to v tu chvili jeste nevidel a kdyz se udelala doji tak jsem se prepl na 1 min a presne jak pises po trigger L2 na 5 min se na 1 min udelali 2 doji coz mi pomohlo udelat rozhodnuti. Z pohledu vstupu to nebylo nejlepsi, ale bylo tam hodne duvodu pro swing down anyway. Pokud bych cekal na 5 min k uzavreni bar tak bych obchod nevzal.
Neobchoduji podle 1 ci 2 min, ale pomaha mi to, pokud mam set up na 5 min chart

U toho 2nd trade to byla pro zmenu 2 min chart. 2 bear bar na 5 min byly dostatecne silne na nejake otestovani a kdyz kouknes na 2 min tak ti to bude jasny.

Ta uvaha je spravna a ja jak vidis to obchazim kombinaci 5 min, kde delam anlyzu a 1 and 2 min kde hledim obcas beru vstup.

Jinak kdyz se nad tim zamyslis tak drtiva vetsina obchodu ma vzdycky duvod pro a proti viz 50-50 % ke ktere market tihne, ale nektere obchody potrebuji prostor na SL nekolik bodu obzvlaste pokud je vezmes na 5 min a nekterym, staci 2 tics, aby potvrdili ci vyvratili tvoji terii viz prvni obchod, ktery vzal detroit. Al sam casto ukonci obchod pokud se to hned nerozjede tak jak ocekaval.

Jinak pokud pujdes na mensi tf, aby si mel mensi sl, tak budes muset delat mnohem vice rozhodnuti, ktere budes muset filtrovat, nejlepe vetsim timeframe

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dejv0 Napsal:
> a-friend:
> nemam screen, tak som spravil iba z toho co dal
> detroit. prvy vstup bol na bare 1, kde som siel
> stopom pod predchadzajuce doji, lebo som cakal
> dalsi leg bearu ktory bol. hned potom som
> spanikaril a vystupil na dalsom bare, ked to
> vyzeralo, ze bude TR. dal som limit sell jeden
> tick nad B1 (micro DT) a hned B2 siel presne na
> miesto kde som mal limit, ale ostal nevyplneny.
> vstupil som teda market trochu nizsie, ale stale
> lepsie ako prvy vstup. vystupil som presne na
> spodku B3 (vyplneny limit), co bol na tick presny
> MM, rad by som sa pochvalil, ze som to mal presne
> vyratane, ale mal som tam PT a to, ze slo o MM som
> zistil, az ked som sa na to pozrel spatne

Hezke :) ale koukam, ze mas problem pouzivat limits order above /below stejne jako ja :)

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Koukam, ze jsi zaregistrovany na financniku od roku 2008 uz chvili :-)
Omlouvam se za psani zbytecnych zvastu, ktere nikomu nic nereknou
Popravde smaller timeframe pouzivam proto, ze se bojim riskovat $$$ a to jak vsichni vime je problem
Nekdy to vyjde, nekdy ne 👎 ale kdybych na misto toho akceptoval % obchodu 50% a soustredil se na graf tak jsem na tom lepe
Jinak pokud chces riskovat mene na obchod tak ti zbývají limit orders v mistech pro scalp.

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Gap is simply space between 2 prices. Close above high of the prior bar.

Every trend bar is a spike, a breakout, and a climax, and since every breakout is a variant of a gap, every trend bar is a type of gap.

Breakout Gaps form at the start of the trend and the measuring gaps form in the middle, exhaustion gaps form when a trend is trying to reverse.

"All gaps will get filled" is saying that you sometimes hear, but this only rarely helps traders.
The market is always coming back to test prior prices, so the saying would be more precise if it were "all prices get tested."
However enough traders pay attention to gaps so that they act as magnets, especially when the pullbacks gets closer to them.
The closer the market gets to any magnet, the stronger the magnetic field and more likely market will reach the magnet (this is the basis for buy and sell vacuums -exhaustion gap)

Traditional gaps on a daily chart are classified as a breakout gaps (brakaway gaps) measuirng gaps, exhaustion gaps, and just ordinary gaps. For tha most part, the classification is not important and a gap that appears as one type innitially can be seen as a different type later on (possible MM gap can be later on exhaust gap)

There is widely held belief that most gaps get filled or at least the breakout point get tested, and this is true. Whenever something is likely to happen, there is a trading opportunity.

Breakout Gaps - start of the trend
Breakout occures many times every day, but most of them fail and the market reverses
Whenever there is a trend bar in a potential bull breakout, always look at the high of the bar before it and the low of the bar after it. If they do not overlap, the space between them might function as a measuring gap.
In general, if the market falls more than a couple of ticks below the high of the bar before it, traders will lose confidence in the breakout and there might not be much follow through, even if there is no reversal.
If the trend confirms, breakout gap can became a measuring gap. Although it will lead to a measured move from the start of the leg, the target is usually too close for traders to take a profits and they should ignore the MM projection. Instead, they should look at the gap as only a sign of strength and a tool to use to create a target for taking profits.
If witin a few bars of the breakout the market pulls back into the gap but than rallies, use that pullback low as the breakout test, and then the measuring gap is between that low and the breakout point. This is a sign of the streng so whenever the a pullback does not fall below the breakout point, all traders see this as asign of the strength and expect a test of the trend high. The pullback is breakout test.
If the pullback falls a little below the breakout point this is the sign of a lack of strength.
When that happens I refer to this type of gap as a negative gap.

Measuring Gap - they are in the middle of the trend.
If the trend goes for five or 10 bars or so and gaps again, traders will think that this second gap might became the middle of the trend. They will see it as a possible measuring gap, and many traders will look to take profits on their longs once the market makes measured moves.
The measured move is based on the height from the bottom of the bottom of the bull trend to the middle of the gap.
This type of gap usuall is in the spike phase of a trend, and it gives traders confidence to enter at the market or on small pullbacks because they believe that market will work its way toward a measured move target.

Small MM gap can also form around any trend.These micro MM gap occur if the bar before and the bar after the trend bar do not overlap and likely any gap can lead to measured move.
The MM will usually be more accure if the trend bar was acting as a breakout.
When these micro gaps accure in the first several bars of the trend, the market will usually extend much further than a measured move based on the gap. Don`t use the gap to find area in which to take profits, because the market will likely go much further and you don`t want to exit early in a great swing.

A very common type of gap occures in any three consecutive trending bars on any chart. For example if these 3 bars are trending up and the low of bar 3 is at or above the high bar 1, there is a gap and it can act as a MM gap or breakaway gap. The high of bar 1 is breakout point and its tested by the low of bar 3.
Its easy to overlook this set up, but if you studycharts you will see that these gaps often get tested within the next many bars but not filled, and therefore became evidence that the buyers are strong.

Exhaustion Gaps - they form at the end of the trend.

If the market has been going up for the past couple of hours but now suddenly forms a very large bull trend bar with a close near its high, especially if the high of this bar or that of one of the next couple of bars extends above a trend channel line=exhaustion gap.
Experienced traders wait for these bars their waiting removes sellers from the market and creates a buy vacuum that sucks the market up quickly. Once they see it, the bulls take profits and the bears short on the close of the bar,.
After the bull trend has gone on for dozens of bars, reaches a resistance area and is beginning to show signs of a possible reversal, traders will pay attention to the next gap, if there is one. If one forms, they will see it as a potential exhaustion gap-buy climax.

Whenever there is a channel and then a trend bar that closes beyond the extreme of the prior bar, traders should watch to see if a gap forms. For example if there a bull channel or a bear flag and the next bar closes several tics above the high of the prior bar, this breakout bar might become a measuring gap. Watch the low of the next bar to see if it stays above the high of the prior bar. If so, the breakout bar might be a measuring gap. If the gap closes, the trend bar might be an exhaustion gap and the bull spike lead to a reversal down.

Exp. Moving Average Gap

Another common gap between the high or low of a bar and the moving average.
In trends, these can set up good swing trades that test the extreme of the trend, and in trading ranges, they often set up scalps to the moving average.
MA gaps happen many times a day every day, and most of the time they occur in the absence of a strong trend. If traders are selective, many of these gap bars can set up fades to the maving averages. For example, assume that the day is a trading range day and the market has been above the MA for an hour or so. If it than sells off to below the MA, traders will often go long abave that bar if there is enough room between the high of that bar and the MA for a long scalp.

For example if there is a strong bear trend and the market finally rallies above the moving average, the first bar in that rally that has a low above the moving average is a first MA gap bar. Traders will place a sell stop order at one tick below the low of that bar to go short, looking for a test of the bear market low. If the stop is not triggered, they will keep moving the stop up to one tick below the low of the bar untill they are filled. Sometimes they will get stop out by the market moving above the signal bar and if that happens, they will try one more time to reenter their shorts at one tick below the low of the prior bar. Once filled, the signal bar is a second MA average gap bar.
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