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Brooks Price Action


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[bold]StefiGraf [/bold] Podarilo sa mi rozdelit prispevok, cize toto je k obrazku. Reversal bars with big tails and small bodies must be evaluated in the context of the prior price action. Reversal Bar 1 in Figure 1.6 was a breakout below a prior major swing low in a very oversold market (it reversed up from a breakout below the steep trend channel line of the prior eight bars). 1. Kde sa nachadza spominany swing ? A kde je jeho low ? 2. A preco je na obrazku Bar 1 povazovany za Reversal Bar ? V knihe pise, ze Reversal bar pri bear trende je to taky bar, ktory ma vyssie close nez open a teda je to vlastne bull trend bar. Toto je jedna nezrovnalost, z ktorej nemam jasny zaver. Este chcem dodat, ze mam originalnu knihu od Brooksa, ale kedze nemam scanner musel som to riesit touto cestou a stiahnut .pdf .To bolo urcene pre adminov a pravidlam, ktore sa tu maju dodrziavat.


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[bold]StefiGraf, Miles [/bold] In Figure 1.5, Reversal Bar 1 largely overlaps the four prior bars, indicating a two-sided market so there was nothing to reverse. This is not a long setUp bar. Reversal Bar 2 is an excellent bear signal bar because it reverses the breakout of Reversal Bar 1 (there are trapped longs here off that bull reversal bar breakout) and it also reverses a breakout above the bear trendline down from the high of the day. The trapped longs will be forced to reverse to sellers as they exit. 1. Co sa mysli breakoutom v tomto pripade ? Je to tak, ze Bar 2 svojim body prechadza close na Bar 1? Dakujem za pomoc


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[bold] StefiGraf[/bold]

konecne zabava : ) No ked si minimalizoval aplikaciu (okno) financnik.cz tak skusil by som
1. Pravy klik, Restore
2. pokial mas to okno pred sebou a problem je len vo formate, fonte...tak potom ctrl + kolecko mysi a nastavis si ako potrebujes.
3. Ctrl+alt+del ti to hodi Task Manager a tam pravy klik na okno, ci aplikaciu, s ktorou mas problem a Bring to Front

Ale asi som nepomohol ktovie ako :)

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