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no však ide o to, že niekto tu písal, že sa obáva otvoriť si účet u IB, lebo sa bojí english komunikácie a ja som iba napísal, že english komunikácia bude musieť určite nastať napr. pri výbere peňazí, ale ty píšeš, že nie. Tak potom sa dotyčný teda nemusí obávať si otvoriť účet u amerického brokera...

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Dostal jsem email od IB:


Dear Client,

According to our records, you declared yourself to be a Non-Professional for purposes of accessing real-time market data via one of IB's trading interfaces. This declaration was part of your account application documentation although it is also accessible via Account Management. A copy of the terms are viewable at:

In a recent audit by the NYSE, it was observed that your use of real-time market data does not meet the standards required to be classified as a non-professional user. While IB does not take a direct view on this subject, we are required as distributors of exchange information to respect the policies set out by the exchange.

Your IB trading user appears to have one or more of the characteristics that define professional use and, as we are required to comply with exchange/data vendor policies in such matters, we must terminate your non-professional classification, and re-qualify your use as professional use. This change will take effect immediately as of the close of business Thursday July 16, 2015.

In order to regain access to market data, please go to Account Management and select the data you require. Please note that you will no longer have access to non-professional market data services and therefore you should select from the variety of professional use data services offered. We recognize that professional subscriptions are usually more expensive than non-professional subscriptions but these fee schedules are established by the data vendors primarily.

IB does have an alternative solution for professionals that do not need tick-by-tick data. While the data offered in the US Securities Lite Value Bundle does not include the primary exchange data (NYSE, AMEX, NASDAQ), the ECNs' prices in this bundle are identical to the major exchange quotes approximately 70% of the time. IB's SMART router will always ensure the best execution even if the user does not have a data subscription for one of the US national exchanges/ECNs. We have found that the US Securities Lite Value Bundle meets the information requirements for traders and investors who trade off the IB trading screens and don't use deep book or automated trading strategies.

For more information about the Professional / Nonprofessional classification, please see KB2369.

We apologize for the short notice and inconvenience this classification change may cause. If you feel this new data use classification is incorrect, you may open a customer ticket and include all relevant information to have your status changed. Please allow 5-7 business days for us to review a submitted ticket. We appreciate your patience in this matter.

Interactive Brokers Client Services

Ví někdo jak z toho ven - než otevřu ticket, rád bych měl pohromadě argumenty, protože Pro fakt nejsem.

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Máš představu, který z bodů definice non-profesionála jsi porušil? Díval jsem se do Knowledge Base a je jich tam opravdu hodně.

Do ticketu můžeš třeba opsat všechny body a u každého zdůvodnit, že se Tě netýká. (Koukám, že člověk ani nemůže být investiční poradce)

PS: Jestli si potom najdeš čas, dej prosím vědět, jak to dopadlo.

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Nerozumím dotazu.

Pokud se ptáš v čem je problém, tak to napsali hned v tom dokumentu "URGENT AND IMPORTANT..." - znění jsem dal výše. A problém je v "In a recent audit by the NYSE..." a jejich chápání PRO tradera a pak taky ze strany IB si to zjednodušili a prostě mi zrušili Non-Pro data a status mám Professional (z mé strany nelze změnit ručně v "Account Management" (td) ).

Pokud se ptáš jestli to už IB řeší, tak řeším s IB - chtějí po mně vyplnit, podepsat a naskenovat (žádné elektronické podpisy jako při uzavírání smlouvy) "Agreement for Market Data Display Services", takže to budou mít asi pro NYSE) ... reagovali hned do cca 10 minut.

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Taraka & spol.:

Tak IB nakonec reagovali poměrně rychle. Reakce první den 10 min., druhý den už pár hodin, ale nakonec jen "suše" napsali: "We hereby confirm that after a review of your account and the Exhibit B form received, your subscriber status has been set up as: Non Professional"

Bohužel nesdělili důvody, proč to na základě práskačů z NYSE předělali na PRO status. Patrně důvod chybí, pouze jen splnili "přání" NYSE. Ještě je budu chvilku prudit, ale moc nadějí tomu nedávám.

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